Can fasting for two days each week stop dementia?

 This is an article I wrote about fasting in the Daily Mail back in February. It features top American fasting researcher Dr Mark Mattson who was just about to publish a review of the evidence that, in animals at least, cutting right back on calories a couple of days a week can protect brain cells. […]

Article: Mamograms do more harm than good

This articles was published in the Daily Mail 26 March 2012 | [External Link/Permalink] This was based around a remarkable book by a Norwegian researcher and bio-statistician who had been looking at the data for the benefits of mammograms for over a decade. He’d found that their  benefits had been massively overplayed and the very real risks of […]

Article: Can fasting for two days each week stop dementia?

This article was published in The Daily Mail  27 February 2012 [Daily Mail permalink] Fasting was a common medical treatment in the past, but now there may be good reason for it to make a comeback. This research on calorie restriction is directly relevant to our book on healthy ageing. Fasting is now know to trigger […]

Series: Drugged-Up Britain – No. 1

Drugged-Up Britain 1; Aug 2011

No. 1 of 4 articles in Reader’s Digest UK. (August 2011) How did we get to the point where £22m is spent on prescribing drugs—every day? In the first of a four-part special, Jerome Burne launches our campaign to tackle Drugged-Up Britain. When 54-year-old John arrived at a nutritional clinic in south London, he was in a bad […]

Article: Avandia: how the warning signs were ignored

This is a draft of an article  that was published in The Daily Mail on 26 July 2010 [Daily Mail permalink] It is about the extensive efforts to cover up the problems with the diabetes drug Avandia. It reveals a serious confusion by the drug watchdog the MHRA about what evidence to follow and how […]

Article: Watchdog ignored drugs risks for years

This article was published in the Daily Mail on 7th July 2008. [Daily Mail Permalink] It’s about how drug companies regularly conceal evidence of drug dangers and how the drug watch dog – the MHRA – seems unable to take any effective steps to regulate this behaviour. Drugs involved include heavyweight tranquillisers called antipsychotics, SSRI antidepressants the anti-inflammatory Vioxx and […]

Article: Vioxx: How patients and doctors were deceived

This is a draft of an article published in the Times in  February 2005 [Unable to find it online] It was written shortly after the anti-inflammatory drug Vioxx had been withdrawn because it raised the risk of heart disease. After its withdrawal it became clear that the company had gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal the […]