Supplements: New Scientist doesn’t know its “A” from its Elbow

For years skeptics and mainstream dietitians have had just two things to say about taking vitamins and any other sort of supplement – there is no evidence they work and anyway you can get all the vitamins and minerals you need from a healthy balanced diet (HBD).Repeating this, whatever any new research finds,  has proved […]

The bogus science behind the low fat diabetes diet

Anyone who knows anything about diet and nutrition will have sometimes wondered: why are people with diabetes, who have a problem with blood sugar, put on a high carbohydrate diet which raises blood sugar? Then you think ,there must be something I’ve missed. All those trained  dieticians and diabetes experts, surely they can’t have overlooked […]

Tick box medicine that fails hypothyroid patients

There’s a story of mine in the Daily Mail today) about an illogical and arbitrary corner of medicine. It involves over 300,000 women who are unable to get an effective treatment for a nasty range of symptoms, linked to having low thyroid hormone, unless they can persuade a doctor to ignore the official guidelines drawn […]

Do doctors treat pensioners with snake oil?

A cheering and optimistic story about dementia at Obhi Chatterjee’s dad was diagnosed, Obhi set about researching the most plausible supplements and diets to help him. The piece tells you what they are and why they might work and also has useful advice for anyone wanting to follow his example. Two of the biggest […]

Manflu: a new twist to the debate

Manflu is one of the not so hardy perennials of domestic debate. Are men justified in claiming unlimited sympathy when they retire to bed with flu on the grounds that they actually suffer more than their wives or partners or is this self-serving myth? The dispute has even popped up as part of the ongoing […]

Could you be suffering from brain hijack?

A spring holiday change of pace here. Nothing about evidence or drugs just some rather extraordinary tales of the ways tiny single-celled micro-organisms can hijack the brain – mostly of insects but at least two do humans – and programme them to issue remarkably precise instructions. A Telegraph feature of mine from earlier in the […]

Who made us fat? Brilliant documentary

The Men Who Made Us Fat , a brilliant BBC 2 documentary that went out last night, should be forcibly played to dieticians and other experts who for decades have urged the low fat diet as the solution to weight loss and heart protection, not to mention being comfortable with a hefty intake of sugar as […]